When the naval construction designer Oliver Reed (Kent Smith) meets the Serbian Irena Dubrovna Reed (Simone Simon) in the zoo, he flirts with her and they sooner fall in love and marry each other. However, Irena is afraid of an ancient course of her town that women can not be touched by a man, otherwise she will transform in a panther, and the couple does not consummate their m...


  1. 1魔灵1988 4.0
  2. 2鬼哭神嚎2之入魔 9.0
  3. 3调味的房子 1.0
  4. 4邪魔的弥赛亚 7.0
  5. 5垮掉的一代 9.0
  6. 6笔仙2 7.0
  7. 7神秘足迹 9.0
  8. 8教训 The Lesson 6.0
  9. 9皮囊之下2012 1.0
  10. 10血色和服 5.0
  11. 11迷离警界:鬼车 5.0
  12. 12幽灵人间II:鬼味人间粤语 3.0
  13. 13艳照疑云 8.0
  14. 14谍海龙虎斗 7.0
  15. 15谋杀计划 5.0
  16. 162002粤语 4.0
  17. 17丑恶 7.0
  18. 18魔鬼记号 3.0
  19. 19恐怖魔笛 6.0
  20. 20鹃血啼痕 2.0
  21. 21末世圣童 8.0
  22. 22清醒 6.0
  23. 23瞎了吗驱魔人 2.0
  24. 24最危险的游戏 7.0
  25. 25复仇2008 6.0
  26. 26驱魔降邪 5.0
  27. 27死亡不分性别 3.0
  28. 28地狱保安 2.0
  29. 29黑暗中的恐惧 1.0
  30. 30破镜谋杀案 1.0